EdgeWall®: Ultimate Network Protection

Protect Your Network at the Edge

In today’s fast-evolving threat landscape, you need more than just reactive defenses. The EdgeWall® stands as the ultimate inline Network Access Control (NAC) solution, ensuring your network is protected from threats before they strike—whether you operate on-premises, in the cloud, or both.

The EdgeWall® provides real-time traffic inspection, controlling every byte of data between your users and resources. By sitting at the edge of your network, the EdgeWall® prevents threats from ever reaching your critical infrastructure.

Key Features of the EdgeWall®

Agentless Scanning :

The EdgeWall® requires no software installation, making security management seamless. It performs detailed scans for antivirus software, OS updates, patches, and installed applications—all without the need for agents on your devices.

Bandwidth Control :

Manage your network traffic with precision. The EdgeWall® allows you to control bandwidth on a per-user or per-group basis, reducing unnecessary load on your core network and ensuring your resources are used effectively.

Secure Guest Access :

Enable secure, customizable guest access effortlessly. With built-in registration, the EdgeWall® simplifies guest management through captive portals and personalized landing pages, keeping your network secure while providing a great user experience.

Deep Packet Inspection :

The EdgeWall® inspects every packet of data in real time, providing both Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) capabilities. This ensures that no threat, hidden or overt, escapes detection, safeguarding your environment from malicious activity.

Eliminating Internal Threats :

Your own users can sometimes be your biggest risk. Devices returning from unprotected WiFi networks, clicking malicious links, or opening harmful attachments expose your network to significant threats. While firewalls defend from external attacks, the EdgeWall® specializes in stopping threats from within.

Any Environment, Any Network :

The EdgeWall® is designed for flexibility. It operates independently of your switches, routers, and other networking equipment, meaning no costly upgrades or configuration changes are required. Whether on-prem or in the cloud, the EdgeWall® integrates seamlessly with your environment.

Why Choose the EdgeWall®?

Traditional firewalls only protect your network perimeter, but threats can arise from anywhere—inside and outside your organization. The EdgeWall® is your first line of defense, built to identify and neutralize emerging threats in real time. With the EdgeWall®’s agentless scanning, bandwidth control, DPI, and secure guest access, your organization will be equipped with the tools necessary to prevent breaches before they occur. The EdgeWall® also requires no integration with existing infrastructure, making it the perfect fit for any environment without complex deployment processes.


Ready to Strengthen Your Security?

Don’t wait for the next breach. The EdgeWall® is ready to defend your network now, ensuring threats are stopped at the edge, before they have a chance to disrupt your business. Learn how the EdgeWall® can safeguard your on-premises and cloud networks.