
Milton Security – The Origin Story
It’s been a couple weeks since we posted a Q&A. We were busy celebrating our 14th anniversary as an organization and while that’s not one of the “big” birthdays, we wanted to take the time to reflect on where we started and how far we’ve come so far.
In all of the celebration, we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss some of the fun stuff that we rolled out during the last two weeks. First, we had the Milton teams put together an awesome Spotify playlist with over 10 hours of curated music. Each member picked 14 songs that were either popular or released the year they each turned 14. If you want to listen along with us, you can find that playlist here.
Then, we added 14 days to our already popular 15-day free POV trial for the whole month of June, 2021 so folks could take advantage of our MDR services for a full 29 days if they sign up during the month of June, 2021.
Finally, we put together a fun, nostalgic, and quite comfortable if I must say so myself, tee to celebrate our 14th anniversary. If you want to check it out, you can find it under Company / Milton Swag in the header nav.
So, after 14 years, we’ve received a bunch of questions about how we got started back in 2007 and what changes we’ve gone through over the years. And since we’re unashamedly a team of nerds and geeks here at Milton, it’s time to release our superhero origin story upon the world.
In 2007, we saw the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon on the horizon, and with it, all the security ramifications that came with all those different environments. We set out to create a unique and reliable security solution that was also affordable so we developed the EdgeWall and Informer Series of products to provide security, visibility, and control over your network. And just like that, Milton Security was born into the network security device manufacturing realm.
The EdgeWall System was the industry’s first, and only at that time, Inline Adaptive Network Access Control (NAC) appliance. EdgeWall managed all traffic on a packet by packet basis. EdgeInformer gathered information from all your EdgeWall Systems and delivered statistics about your network, allowing users to keep an eye on “top talkers”, as well as look for anomalies in network usage in real-time or historically, over the past 30 days. USBInformer provided USB port security on every Windows based endpoint on the network by using a real-time security monitoring service. The USBInformer client stopped access to any USB device not approved by administrators.
It didn’t take long before the darkly-shrouded malicious actors were going beyond the physical devices that were monitored by Milton and started attacking the networks at their core functions. Attacks became more sophisticated and elaborate as the number of devices connecting to the networks grew.
Anyone with a device that could access the internet now became a potential threat as the war became global in nature. Dark forces were at work day and night without any signs of relenting. Releasing worms and viruses was just the beginning and that quickly turned into digital ransom notes as the actors held data and systems hostage, ready to release information at a moment’s notice.
Our customers saw how well we protected the devices that we created and began asking us if we could monitor other aspects of their networks to help protect their brand. Our team of nerdy misfits put our collective minds together and decided it was time to accept the call – to hunt down the threats and restore control and order to the network.
Secretly, starting in 2015 we established our hero’s lair and developed a fully-functional 24x7x365 Security Operations Center (SOC) to combat the relentless efforts of the attackers. We brought in the best and brightest minds from diverse backgrounds and equipped ourselves with all of the tools and technologies to fight the adversaries. Armed with a Managed Detection & Response (MDR) team along with Expert Services, we began evolving into a services company and have been battling nation-states and independent actors ever since.
As the terms of battle have changed, our team has adapted to detect, identify, and mitigate threats for our customers. Our ideals of affordable security have not changed, which is why we offer a free POV trial and services which are priced in a way that no one should compromise feeling safe and protected.
Our battle is with the enemy, and our story is your story. You lit the signal. We answered the call.
If you’re interested in our story, or know someone who might be, let us know. We’re here to protect and respond.
The way the story plays itself out is up to you, now. Will you let us protect you?